Tree-Ring Watermarks - Fingerprints for Diffusion Images that are Invisible and Robust

How to know whether an image is real or fake?

About the paper

Side information: Tom is one of the most famous and active researchers in the field of Trustworthy Machine Learning, particulaly Adversarial Machine Learning. His group has published several notable papers, such as Invisible Cloak, clean-label data poisoning, adversarial training for free, visualizing the loss landscape of neural networks. Recently, his group has (moved) explored TML aspects of modern generative models, such as Diffusion Models , LLMs .


Follow-up ideas:

After all, we still don’t know whether an image is real or fake :joy:.



What is Watermarking? Watermarking is a technique to embed some information into a signal (image, audio, video, etc.) in a way that the signal is not changed much, but the information can be extracted later. The information can be used for many purposes, such as authentication, copyright.

Watermarking: Attack and Defense Game The watermarking process can be seen as an adversarial game between two parties: attacker and defender. The attacker tries to remove the watermark from the signal, while the defender tries to make the watermark robust to the attacker’s removal process. The game is illustrated in the following figure.

Watermarking: Attack and Defense Game (image source Jovanovic et al. 2009)

The defender has two main goals: (1) to make the watermark robust to the attacker’s removal process, and (2) to make the watermark invisible to the human eye. The first goal is measured by the robustness of the watermark, while the second goal is measured by the fidelity of the watermark. Similar as the trade-off between accuracy and robustness in the adversarial machine learning, the robustness and fidelity are usually conflicting, i.e., the more robust the watermark is, the more visible it is.

To extract the watermark, the defender needs a secret key and a secret decoder which are usually known only to the defender. There are two types of attack settings: white-box and black-box attacks depending on whether the attacker knows the secret key and decoder or not. Again, similar as the adversarial machine learning, the white-box attack is usually more powerful but less practical than the black-box attack.

Adaptive Attack is a special type of attack where the attacker knows everything about the defender, i.e., the secret key, decoder, and the defense algorithm and can adaptively change the attack strategy based on the defender’s strategy. This type of attack is usually the most powerful and the most difficult to defend (and almost impossible to defend in the adversarial machine learning). In this paper, the authors evaluated their method under non-adaptive white-box attack.

Why Watermarking in Generative Models? Originally, watermarking is to protect the ownership of the authors on their digital products. However, in the context of generative models, where a product is generated from a model with users’ input, the ownership is not clear. And when digging deeper, I found that copyright of AI art is complicated. Some important points that I got from this article WHO OWNS AI-GENERATED CONTENT? UNDERSTANDING OWNERSHIP, COPYRIGHTING, AND HOW THE LAW INTERPRETS AI-GENERATED ART

Now, given the above points, back to the question: Why Watermarking in Generative Models?, I think the main purpose of the watermarking is to protect the ownership of the users on their generated products.

However, it is a much more interesting implication of watermarking in generative models than just authentication. If we can robustly and reliably detect a watermark in a generated image, we can know whether the image is real or fake, which is a very important problem in the field of Trustworthy Machine Learning.

What is DFT and why watermarking loves DFT?

Reference: and

As studied in the classical watermarking literature, the watermarking process is usually done in the frequency domain. Some important points about the frequency domain are (to my understanding):

Diffusion Inversion

Illustration of GAN inversion (Image source ).

Generative inversion is a technique that allows us to invert the generation process. In other words, given a pre-trained generative model \(g_\theta(z)\) and an image \(x\) which can be either real image or generated one, we can find the noise \(z\) such that \(g_\theta(z)\) is close to \(x\). This technique was first proposed for GANs in Zhu et al. (2016) , Creswell et al. (2016) not long after the introduction of GAN in 2014. It can be seen that, obtaining the inverted latent code brings many useful implications such as capability to edit/manipulate generated images by editing the latent code, or adversarial perturbation removal .

Because requring the deterministic property: one noise \(z\) always generates the same image \(x\), this technique is not trivial to apply to other generative models such as VAEs or Flow-based models. For Diffusion Models, thanks to the deterministic property in DDIM, we can apply this technique to invert the diffusion process, i.e., given an image \(x_0\), we can find the noise \(x_T\) to reconstruct \(x_0\). And with the blooming of Diffusion Models in the last two years, we can see many cool applications of this technique such as Textual Inversion , Image Editing or the work we are discussing - Watermarking ).

In the DDPM framework, the forward diffusion process has a nice property that:

\[x_t = \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t} x_0 + \sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t} \epsilon_t\]

where \(x_0\) is the initial image, \(\epsilon_t \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I)\) is the noise at time \(t\). This property allows us to predict noisy version of \(x_0\) at any arbitrary time \(t\). On the other hand, given \(\epsilon_t = \epsilon_\theta(x_t, t)\) is the predicted noise at time \(t\) by the denoising network \(\epsilon_\theta\) and \(x_t\), we can predict \(\tilde{x_0}\) as follows:

\[\tilde{x}_0 = \frac{x_t - \sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t} \epsilon_\theta(x_t, t)}{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}}\]

Now we consider the next step in the forward diffusion process:

\[x_{t+1} = \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t+1}} x_0 + \sqrt{1 - \bar{\alpha}_{t+1}} \epsilon_{t+1}\]

where \(\epsilon_{t+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I)\) is the noise at time \(t+1\). If we replace the original \(x_0\) with the predicted \(\tilde{x}_0\) and assume that the diffusion process is large enough so that \(\epsilon_{t+1} \approx \epsilon_\theta(x_t, t)\), we can obtain the inverted diffusion process as follows:

\[x_{t+1} = \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t+1}} \frac{x_t - \sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_t} \epsilon_\theta(x_t, t)}{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}} + \sqrt{1 - \bar{\alpha}_{t+1}} \epsilon_\theta(x_t, t)\]

which now depends only on \(x_t\) and \(\epsilon_\theta(x_t, t)\). Repeating this process from \(t=0\) to \(t=T\), we can obtain the inverted code \(x_T\) that reconstructs \(x_0\) (again it works for DDIM model only). This is the key technique used in this watermarking method.

Tree-Ring Watermark

Threat Model

In adversarial machine learning, a threat model is a description of capabilities and objectives of all parties in the attack and defense game. From that, we can narrow down the defense space and scope to this specific threat model (It is because in the real world, we cannot know every possible attack and defend against it). In this paper, the authors considered the following threat model:

Watermarking Process

The watermarking process is illustrated in the above figure. The watermarking process consists of two main steps: watermark embedding and watermark detection.

In the watermark embedding step, an initial Gaussian noise \(x_T\) is first converted to the frequency domain using DFT \(\mathcal{F}\). Then, a pre-defined watermark \(k\) is embedded into the frequency domain of \(x_T\) by a simple binary masking operation. The watermarked noise \(x_T^k\) is then converted back to the time domain using inverse DFT \(\mathcal{IF}\). Finally, the watermarked noise \(x_T^k\) is used to generate the watermarked image \(x_0^k\) (now call \(x\)) using the standard DDIM model (again not stochastic one like DDPM).

In the watermark detection, the transformed image \(x'=\mathcal{A}(x_0^k)\) is first inverted to obtain the approximated noise \(x'_T\) using the DDIM inversion. Then, the watermark \(k'\) is extracted from the frequency domain of \(x'_T\) using the same binary masking operation as in the watermark embedding step. Finally, the extracted watermark \(k'\) is compared with the original watermark \(k\) to determine whether the image \(x'\) is from the original image \(x\) or not.

The simple process can be describe as follows:

Watermark Embedding

Input: initial noise \(x_T\), secret key \(k\), mask \(M\), DDIM model \(\mathcal{D}\)
\(x_T^f = \mathcal{F}(x_T)\)
\(x_T^k = Masking(x_T^f, k, M)\)
\(x_0^k = \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{IF}(x_T^k))\)
Output: watermarked image \(x_0^k\) or \(x\)

Watermark Detection

Input: transformed image \(x'\), secret key \(k\), mask \(M\), DDIM inversion \(\mathcal{D}^I\)
\(x'_T = \mathcal{D}^I (x')\)
\({x'}_T^f = \mathcal{F}(x'_T)\)
\(k' = UnMasking({x'}_T^f, k, M)\)
calculate distance \(d(k, k')\) between \(k'\) and \(k\)
Output: \(d(k, k')\)

As described in the paper, the masking opearation will produce output:

\[x_{i,T}^k \sim \left\{ \begin{array}{ c l } k_i & \quad \textrm{if } i \in M \\ \mathcal{N} (0,1) & \quad \textrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\]

where \(k_i\) is the \(i\)-th element of the key \(k\), \(M\) is the mask. Note that the Fourier transform of a Gaussian noise array is also distributed as Gaussian noise. The distance function is the L1 distance \(d(k, k') = \frac{1}{\mid M \mid} \sum_{i \in M} \mid k_i - k'_i \mid\).

Constructing the key

As mentioned in the paper, choosing the key pattern \(k\) (as similar the binary mask \(M\)) strongly effects the robustness and visibility of the watermark. The authors proposed to use a tree-ring pattern which is a circular mask with radius \(r\) centered on the low frequency modes as the key pattern. This pattern brings several benefits such as invariant to rotation, translation, and dilation (which was studied in classical watermarking literature). The authors proposed three variants of the tree-ring pattern:

Why ring pattern?

How to detect the watermark?

Given an image \(x'\) and from the watermark detection process, we can obtain \(k'\) which is the extracted pattern from \(x'\). Now, how we can decide whether \(k'\) is the same as the original pattern \(k\) or not?

To do that, the authors defined a null hypothesis \(H_0\) and find the P-value of the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is defined as follows:

\[H_0: k' \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 I)\]

Here, the variance \(\sigma^2\) is unknown and be estimated from each image as \(\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{\mid M \mid} \sum_{i \in M} \mid k'_i \mid^2\).

What is Null Hypothesis?

Null hypothesis is the claim that no relationship exists between two sets of data or variables being analyzed. For example, in the context of watermarking, the null hypothesis is a statement that the extracted pattern \(k'\) is just a random noise and not related to the original pattern \(k\). On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis is a statement that the extracted pattern \(k'\) is related to the original pattern \(k\).

What is P-value?

The P-value is the probability of obtaining results as extreme as the observed results of a statistical hypothesis test, assuming that the null hypothesis is correct. The smaller the P-value, the stronger the evidence against the null hypothesis. The P-value is calculated from the null hypothesis and the observed data using a statistical test. For example, in the context of watermarking, the P-value is the probability of obtaining the extracted pattern \(k'\) from the null hypothesis \(H_0\).

The P-value is calculated as follows:

\[p = Pr \left( \chi^2_{\mid M \mid, \lambda} \leq \eta \mid H_0 \right) = \Phi_{\chi^2} (z)\]

where \(\chi^2_{\mid M \mid, \lambda}\) is the chi-squared distribution with \(\mid M \mid\) degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter \(\lambda\), \(\eta = \frac{1}{\sigma^2} \sum_{i \in M} \mid k_i - k'_i \mid^2\), \(z = \frac{\eta - \lambda}{\sqrt{2 \lambda}}\), and \(\Phi_{\chi^2}\) is the cumulative distribution function of the chi-squared distribution.

From that, an image is considered as a forgery if \(p < \alpha\) where \(\alpha\) is a pre-defined threshold (too small \(\alpha\) will lead to many false positives, while too large \(\alpha\) will lead to many false negatives).

Measuring P-value in different settings (w/o watermark, w/ watermark, w/ watermark and attack). The extreme low P-value in the last setting indicates that the watermark is robust to the attack.

The figure above shows the P-value of the null hypothesis in three different settings including (1) without watermark, (2) with watermark, and (3) with watermark and attack. As we can see, the P-value of image with watermark is much lower than that of image without watermark, and the P-value in the last setting is extremely low, which indicates that the watermark is robust to the attack. The authors also provided a more quantitative analysis as Table 1 in the paper.

The metric was used to measure the performance is AUC/TPR@1%FPR which is the area under the ROC curve (AUC) or the true positive rate (TPR) at 1% false positive rate (FPR). The authors also used FID score to measure the quality of the generated images and CLIP score to measure the semantic similarity between the generated images and the prompts.

That’s all for the paper! There are still many experiments and analysis in the paper, but the post is already too long. Further details can be found in the paper.



Follow-up ideas: